Finishing Touches Featured in Building Savvy Magazine

22 Aug
Finishing Touches Remodeling was recently featured in the February 2018 edition of Building Savvy magazine.   Read the full article below. If you watch HGTV you may recognize Blake Johnson as a contractor working with Ashley and Andy Williams on Flip or Flop Fort Worth.  Blake always did some kind of construction work on the side.If you watch HGTV you may recognize Blake Johnson as a contractor working with Ashley and Andy Williams on Flip or Flop Fort Worth. Blake always did some kind of construction work on the side — building displays for art galleries and doing handiwork for family and friends. He knew he would eventually find that “hook” which would enable him to put a full-time focus on the business that he loved. In 1999, Blake founded Finishes Touches and has built it into a firm that rehabs more than 200 properties per year. It took some creative thinking and a lot of persistence and perseverance at cold-calling in the beginning.“ I noticed the bus stop benches with the signs: ‘We Buy Houses For Cash,” and started making a list of those phone numbers. Eventually, I had a legal pad with a bunch of numbers on it and started calling the investors. I figured they needed somebody to fix up the houses that they were buying,” Blake said. He was right. The Finishing Touches team began with only a few employees hungry and willing to tackle any job that needed to be done. The focus on doing rehab work for real estate investors proved to be a gold mine and soon positioned Finishing Touches as the premier investor home rehab company in Dallas/Fort Worth.